Warmest Welcome to “Grass-Fed Lifestyle”

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Grass-Fed Lifestyle is our ranch journal for you to deliciously explore when you get a few stolen moments every once and a while.  We are here for those of you that want to go green and make healthy choices in your eating and living. We hope you enjoy a look into Onward Ranch’s behind the scenes, and all the whimsical beauty it has to offer.

 Many ranches have an open door policy, a sincere welcome, with people in and out of your house— we hope this is the same in this space.

“Kick your shoes off, come on in, stay a while, make yourself at home”.  Get to know your rancher.   https://www.onwardranch.ca/our-story

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Once you know me, you will know I love giving gifts to friends! I arrive with a jar of honey, some garden flowers, usually something homegrown!  As a gift to you if you are farther afield from us, we want to celebrate our new venture and offer you a $20 gift card!  Sign up for our mailing list to receive it, you can find that sign up on the bottom of our website.

Use on any box of grass-fed beef shipped Mondays in BC.  Onward Ranch ships “Ranch Direct” to your door.  https://shop.onwardranch.ca

A Grass-fed Lifestyle is a: health centered, environmentally conscious, delectable tasting, way of living. If you are a food lover, appreciate the outdoors, you go the extra mile- someone who cares about the products you use, and cares what your family eats, you have come to the right place.  We want to encourage you to shop local, support your community, and build relationships with the farming folks- like us, that grow your food with loving hands.


Onward Ranch: Old House Lifestyle

This journal of the 1886 Onward House, with its beauty and patina- this is old house living.

 It takes a romantic soul with a husband that really loves his wife.  A husband like Ty, who is an eternal optimist, and doesn’t look at an old beautiful building and see dollars floating away.  “Whatever makes you happy darling” Ty says. Although on a ranch those extra pennies usually get swallowed up with tractors, farm auctions, seed or a new bull.  Just like we can’t control the land—this old house has a life of its own. It is quirky, with unexpected gifts and problems. It’s a wild and dreamy place.  

 I think that’s why artists flocked here---why A.Y Jackson painted here along with other famous artists of the time.    https://www.wikiart.org/en/a-y-jackson

It is eco-friendly to live in an old house.  Sawdust insulation, a rock foundation. …perplexing building habits, like those shingles held down with horse shoe nails.   It’s the beauty and the little projects and the fun stuff that we’ll share- our parlours and drawing rooms, 1920’s balconies, and the ranch kitchen.  Yes, I can’t help myself, my heart sings with this sort of thing!  I have to share!

I like to imagine this place in the 20’s with Vivien Cowan, a fox fur slung over a shoulder,  true ranching heritage mixed with society of the 20’s.  Burying her silverware under the mint.  I often think of her daughter Sonia in work coveralls, the depression hitting hard—doing men’s work when women didn’t and the ranch hands and the cowboys, some drifting and some a permanent fixture on the ranch.

 All a part of the fiber of this magical ranch, this charmed house.


Grass-fed Lifestyle Celebrates Taste

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Everyone likes to taste the difference in healthy food…. whether it is biting into a crisp, new carrot grown in a rich organic soil from the garden, or nutrient dense grass-fed beef that has grazed on hundreds of plants species.  Or maybe it is letting a spoonful of heaven’s gift, that sweet unpasteurized natural raised honey slide over your lips.  If you are a conscious consumer that seeks out a better way of eating and a better way of living, explore that with us at Onward Ranch. The decisions you make every day add up to a grass-fed lifestyle. It’s the little things and the small details that add beauty and personality to life.  

Eating Lusciously Fresh and Grass-fed

 Here at Onward Ranch, healthy eating with grass-fed beef is the star of the show. We have some recipes bursting with healthy veggies and fruits from your garden or from the farmers market for you.

Wondering how to carve minutes out of the day to cook and enjoy on a week day when you are rushed? Want to make a batch of something to last a couple days?   Here, we celebrate food and enjoy our weekends, whether it is a Friday night on the deck with drinks, Saturday night BBQ with friends at the lake, a slow cook Sunday or a roast or ribs day.

 Campfire cooking is another passion around the ranch as it is both practical (fencing, farm work) and a big part of our family’s quality time.

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 Snippets of farm life, achingly beautiful moments

 Are you curious what’s happening as the seasons change here at the Onward? Follow along and witness as the snow becomes green freshness, baby calves are born in the fresh spring air, the abundance of full summer, crops and haying.  Share with us the first cool evenings, the bitter sweetness of fall, the beauty, and the hints of winter to come. Keep up with how we are gathering cattle on horseback, sorting in the corrals and watch as the patchy snow turns to lime green.

Here on the Ranch our hearts are always full of a tender sense, peaceful scenes; like an artist—the beauty enveloping us.  Our minds are always buzzing, always planning, always thinking, our eyes feasting on the beauty around us, studying the shades of green.  We’d like to share this grass-fed lifestyle that we live with you! 

Onward Ranch: A Gardening family

 In the same way that my garden is exploding with lush growth—I’m bursting to share about our Onward kitchen garden.  It feeds us, sustains us, but at the same time adds much beauty and whimsy to our life.  A love, a steady hobby that doesn’t waiver—seeds, soil, water, sun—anywhere you are.  A rooftop, balcony, community plot, kitchen windowsill—or a sprawling country garden—we all have the same green veined hearts! We are all gardening family—I love sharing ideas the same way that I love exchanging seedlings and seeds with my friends.

 Gardening and ranching have the same cycles—you guide and plan—but you can’t control it. It’s different every year! It keeps you on your toes.  I am sure we will be learning the rest of our lives.  I like to focus on Heirlooms, the flowers- I love the edible ones to brighten the table, and my biggest love—vegetables.

 It’s the way everything grows that gets me, the twining vines, the lushness, growing free and wild. It catches me in the heart!


Grass-Fed Lifestyle: Be Social With Us!